Other publications
Nicholas T. Longford
Optimising newborn nutrition during neonatal therapeutic hypothermia in
the United Kingdom: an observational study using propensity score matching
(with C. Gale et al.).
NIHR Final Report HTA 2020 16/79/03, Leeds, UK, 2020.
Decisions in everyday statistics. Chapter 4 (pp. 49-73),
in K. Chapman (Ed.)
Decision and Game Theory. Perspectives, Applications and Challenges.
Nova Publishers, New York, 2015.
On the failures of hypothesis testing.
UPF Working Paper No. 1480, Department of Economics and Business,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.
Incompatibility of estimation and policy objectives.
An example from small-area estimation.
UPF Working Paper No. 1447, Department of Economics and Business,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
Policy-related small-area estimation.
UPF Working Paper No. 1427, Department of Economics and Business,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
On the inefficiency of the restricted maximum likelihood.
UPF Working Paper No. 1415, Department of Economics and Business,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
A study of the labour market trajectories in the Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg (with I. Salagean).
UPF Working Paper No. 1396, Department of Economics and Business,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
Decision theory for some elementary statistical problems.
In the Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
Palermo, Italy;
8-12 July 2013; pp. 239-244.
Gruppo Poligrafico Europeo, Palermo, Italy.
Policy-related small-area estimation.
CEPS Working Paper No. 2011-44, CEPS/INSTEAD, Esch-sur-Alzette,
Luxembourg, 2011.
The contribution of social transfers to the reduction of poverty
(with C. Nicodemo).
IZA Discussion Paper 5223, IZA Bonn, Germany, 2010.
Completing sub-national coverage of national accounts:
an auxiliary information approach
(with G. Pittau and R. Zelli).
In the Proceedings of the 31st General Conference
of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth,
St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22--28th August, 2010.
Random Coefficient Models. In M. Lovric (Ed.)
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.
Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Random Coefficient Models. In StatProb
The Encyclopedia sponsored by Statistics and Probability Societies.
http://statprob.com, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Mixture models with a black-hole component (with P. D'Urso).
In Borgelt, C. et al. (Eds.)
Combining Soft Computing and
Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, pp. 427-435.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
Analysis of Covariance. Multivariate Analysis of Variance.
Articles in Baker, E., McGaw, B., and Peterson, P. (Eds.).
International Encyclopedia of Education, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2010;
in vol. 7, pages 18-24 and 319-323.
Multivariate and multilevel longitudinal analysis.
Chapter 3 in van Montfort, K., Oud, J. and Satorra, A. (Eds.)
Longitudinal Research with Latent Variables,
pp. 97-117. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2009.
A sensitivity analysis of poverty definitions
(with C. Nicodemo).
IRISS Working Paper No. 2009-15,
CEPS/INSTEAD, Differdange, Luxembourg.
Measures of poverty and inequality in the countries and regions of EU.
(with M.G. Pittau, R. Zelli and R. Massari).
ECINEQ Working Paper No. 2010-182,
ECINEQ, Society for the Study of Eonomic Inequality, Verona, Italy.
A house price index defined in the potential outcomes framework.
Working Paper No. 1175, Departament d'Economia i Empresa,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain>
Multiple imputation tailored for a specific database
(with M. G. Pittau).
In Statistics Methods for the Analysis of Large Datasets.
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Italian Statistical Society,
University G. d'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara,
23-25 September 2009; pp. 281-282.
Small-area estimation with spatial similarity
Working Paper No. 1105, Departament d'Economia i Empresa,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Inference with the lognormal distribution
Working Paper No. 1104, Departament d'Economia i Empresa,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain>
Missing data.
Chapter 10 in J. de Leeuw and E. Meijer (Eds.)
Handbook of Multilevel Models
Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2008; 377-399.
Probabilistic models of measurement errors.
Chapter 15 in T. Rudas (Ed.) Handbook of Probability:
Theory and Applicatåons
Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2008; 239-253.
On standard errors of model-based small-area estimators.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 56th Session.
Proceedings of the ISI2007 Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, August 2007
An assessment of empirical Bayes and composite estimators for small areas.
Working Paper No. 995, Departament d'Economia i Empresa,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Performance assessment and league tables. Comparing like with like
(with D. B. Rubin).
Working Paper No. 994, Departament d'Economia i Empresa,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain>
Patterns of house-price inflation in New Zealand
(with I. McCarthy and G. Dowse).
Chapter 17 in K. van Montfort, J. Oud and A. Satorra (Eds.),
Longitudinal Models in the Behavioral and Related Sciences.
L. Erlbaum Assoc., Måhwah, NJ, USA, 2006; pp. 403-433.
Three articles (entries) in the
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Social and Behavioural Statistics,
Everitt, B., et al. eds., Wiley, 2005.
What standards? Letter to the Editor.
Significance, 1, 188 (2004).
Examples of multiple imputation.
In Proceedings of the Statistics Canada Symposium 2002,
Modeling Survey Data for Social and Economic Research.
CD-ROM, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, 2003.
Modern analytical equipment for the survey statistician
Part I. Multiple imputation in large-scale surveys.
Part II. Small-area estimation in national surveys.
Lecture Notes for the Campion Fellowåhip Courses, 2002.
Synthetic estimation: From small area statistics to model selection.
In J. C. Misra (Ed.) Applicable Mathematics.
Its Perspectives and Challenges.
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001; pp. 295-303.
Selection bias and treatment heterogeneity in drug development.
In J. C. Misra (Ed.) Applicable Mathematics.
Its Perspectives and Challenges.
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001; pp. 419-428.
Multiple imputation in an international database of
social science surveys.
ZA-Information 46, 72-95.
University of Cologne, Germany, 2000.
Standard errors in multilevel analysis.
Multilevel Modelling Newsletter 11, No. 1, 10-13, 1999
December 2020