Journal articles
Nicholas T. Longford
Relaxed calibration of survey weights.
Survey Methodology 50, 261-285, 2024.
Mortality analysed by propensity score matching:
an application to national neonatal audit.
Brazilian Journal of Biometrics 41, 311-331, 2023.
Unreported standard errors in metaanalysis
Statistics in Transition 22(4), 1-17, 2021.
Performance assessment as an application of causal analysis
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 183,
1363-1385, 2020.
Searching for causes of necrotising enterocolitis.
An application of propensity matching.
Statistics in Transition 19, 71-101, 2018.
Decision theory for comparing institutions
Statistics in Medicine 37, 437-456, 2018.
Monitoring the progress
of infants with low birthweight
Revista Brasileira de Biometria (Brazilian Biometric Journal)
35, 600-633, 2017.
An index for proximity of two distributions
Metron 75, 181-194, 2017.
A decision-theoretical perspective on bioequivalence.
Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability 9, 437-438, 2017.
Analysis of a marker for cancer of the thyroid
with a limit of detection
(with J.R. Tovar Cuevas and C. Alvear)
Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 2190-2203, 2017.
Inflated assessments of disability;
Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 1743-1760, 2017.
Variation of the rates of necrotising enterocolitis in the neonatal networks
in England.
Statistics in Medicine 36, 1655-1668, 2017.
Development of a gestational age-specific case-definition
for neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (with C. Battersby et al.)
Journal of the American Medical Association 171, 256-263, 2017.
Estimation under model uncertainty;
Statistica Sinica 27, 859-877, 2017.
Incidence and enteral feed antecedents of severe neonatal necrotising
enterocolitis across neonatal networks in England, 2012-13:
a whole-population surveillance study (C. Battersby et al.)
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2, 43-51, 2017.
Duration of post-operative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
is associated with worsened long-term survival (Sigurdsson et al.);
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 101, 2018-2026, 2016.
Comparing two treatments by decision theory
Pharmaceutical Statistics 15, 387-395, 2016
Decision theory for selecting the winners,
ranking and classification
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 40,
420-442, 2016.
Classification in two-stage screening
Statistics in Medicine 34, 3281-3297, 2015.
Policy-oriented inference and the analyst-client cooperation.
An example from small-area estimation
Statistics in Transition 16, 65-82, 2015.
Equating without an anchor
for non-equivalent groups of examinees
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 40,
227-253, 2015.
On the inefficiency of the restricted
maximum likelihood
Statistica Neerlandica 69, 171-196, 2015.
Decision theory for the variance ratio
in ANOVA with random effects (with M. Andrade Bejarano)
Revista Colombiana de Estadistica 38, 181-207, 2015.
Policy-related small-area estimation
South African Journal of Statistics 49, 105-119, 2015.
A study of income stability in the Czech Republic
by finite mixtures (with J. Bartosova).
Prague Economic Papers 23, 330-348, 2014.
A confusion index for measuring separation
and clustering (with J. Bartosova).
Statistical Modelling 14, 229-255, 2014.
Tests for spatial and temporal correlation
in mixed models for climate data
(with M. Andrade Bejarano and Diego Tovar-Rios).
Revista Brasileira de Biometria 32, 130-142, 2014.
Sample size calculation for comparing
two normal random samples using equilibrium priors.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
42, 2149-2161, 2014.
The international rate of discontinuance
of some old products (with J. Palacios Fenech).
Journal of Global Marketing 27, 59-73, 2014.
Survey on the clinical assessment and utility
of near-infrared cerebral oximetry in cardiac surgery.
(with Zacharias, D.G., Body, S.C. et al.)
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 28,
308-316, 2014.
A decision-theoretical alternative
to testing many hypotheses.
Biostatistics 15,
154-169, 2014.
Screening test items for differential item
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 39, 3-21, 2014.
The effect of unemployment benefits
on labour market behaviour in Luxembourg
(with I. Salagean).
Statistics in Transition 14, 249-272, 2013.
Searching for contaminants
Journal of Applied Statistics 40, 2041-2055, 2013.
Assessment of precision with aversity
to overstatement. South African Journal of Statistics 47,
49-59, 2013.
Screening as an application of decision
theory. Statistics in Medicine 32, 849-863, 2013.
Alternatives to the poverty gap for international comparisons.
Ukrainian Journal of Demography and Social
Economics 2, 132-141, 2012.
49-59, 2013.
Comparing normal random samples,
with uncertainty about the priors and utilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 38, 729-742, 2012.
Handling the limit of detection by
extrapolation. Statistics in Medicine 31, 3133-3146, 2012.
Mixtures of autoregressions
with an improper component for panel data
(with P. D'Urso).
Journal of Classification 29, 341-362, 2012.
Small-sample estimators of the quantiles
of the normal and lognormal distributions.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82,
1383-1395, 2012.
'Which model?' is the wrong question.
Statistica Neerlandica 66, 237-252, 2012.
Poverty and inequality in European regions
(with G. Pittau, R. Zelli and R. Massari).
Journal of Applied Statistics 39, 1557-1576, 2012.
Allocating a limited budget to small areas.
Journal of Indian Society for Agricultural Statistics 66,
31-41, 2012.
A revision of school effectiveness
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
37, 157-179, 2012.
Mixture models with an improper component
(with P. D'Urso).
Journal of Applied Statistics 38, 2511-2521, 2011.
Well-being and obesity
of rheumatoid athritis patients
(with C. Nicodemo, M. Nunez and E. Nunez)
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology
11, 27-43, 2011.
An assessment of empirical Bayes and
composite estimators for small areas.
Statistical Modelling 11, 137-157, 2011.
Outliers in mixed models
for monthly average temperatures.
Austrian Journal of Statistics 39, 207-221, 2010.
Bayesian decision making
about small binomial rates with uncertainty about the prior.
The American Statistician 64, 164-169, 2010.
Small-sample inference about variance
and its transformations.
SORT, Journal of the Catalan Statistical Institute,
3-19, 2010.
Small-area estimation with spatial
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 54, 1151-1166, 2010.
Estimation of the effect size
in meta-analysis with few studies.
Statistics in Medicine 29, 421-430, 2010.
Efficient estimation of the
standardized value.
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 34,
522-529, 2009.
Analysis of all-zero binomial outcomes.
Journal of Applied Statistics 36, 1259-1265, 2009.
The impact of handling missing data on alcohol consumption estimates
in the UK Women's Cohort Study
(with U. Nur, J.E. Cade and D.C. Greenwood).
European Journal of Epidemiology 24, 589-595, 2009.
Inference with the lognormal distribution.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139,
2329-2340, 2009.
An application of shrinkage to dealing
with extreme observations, Statistics in Transition 9,
197-206, 2008.
An alternative analysis of variance,
SORT (Journal of the Catalan Institute of Statistics), 32,
77-91, 2008.
On standard errors of model-based small-area estimators.
Survey Methodology, 33, 69-79, 2007.
Stability of household income in European countries
in the 1990's (with M. Grazia Pittau).
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51,
1364-1383, 2006
Sample size calculation for small-area estimation.
Survey Methodology, 32, 87-96, 2006.
Analysis of a long-term study of neurotic disorder,
with insights into the process of non-response
(with P. Tyrer, U. Nur and H. Seivewright).
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 168,
507-523, 2006.
Using small-area estimates.
Statistics in Transition 7, 715-735, 2005.
Dealing with incomplete data in questionnaires of food and alcohol
Statistics in Transition 7, 111-134, 2005.
Editorial: Model selection and efficiency. Is `Which model ...?'
the right question?
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 168,
469-472, 2005.
On selection and composition in small-area and mapping problems.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 14, 3-16, 2005.
Missing data and small area estimation in the UK Labour Force Survey.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 167,
341-373, 2004.
An alternative to model selection in ordinary regression.
Statistics and Computing 13, 67-80, 2003.
Factors associated with the prevalence of stereotypic behaviour
amongst thoroughbred horses passing through auctioneer sales
(with D. Mills et al.).
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 78, 115-124, 2002.
Estimation of the rates and composition of employment
in Norwegian municipalities.
Journal of Official Statistics 17, 391-406, 2001.
Multilevel analysis with messy data.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 10,
429-444, 2001.
Synthetic estimators with moderating influence:
carryover in crossover trials revisited.
Statistics in Medicine 20, 3189-3203, 2001.
Attitudes to immigration in an international social survey.
Statistics in Transition 5, 267-280, 2001.
Simulation-based diagnostics in random coefficient models.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 164,
259-273, 2001.
Handling missing data in diaries of alcohol consumption
(with M. Ely, R. Hardy and M. Wadsworth).
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 163,
381-402, 2000.
On estimating standard errors in multilevel analysis.
The Statistician 49, 389-398, 2000.
An alternative definition of individual bioequivalence.
Statistica Neerlandica 54, 14-36, 2000.
An experiment in primary health-care provision.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 162,
292-301, 1999.
Statistics versus statistical science in the regulatory process
(with J. A. Nelder).
Statistics in Medicine 18, 2311-2320, 1999.
Selection bias and treatment heterogeneity in clinical trials.
Statistics in Medicine 18, 1467-1474, 1999.
Multivariate shrinkage estimation of small area means and
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Ser. A 162,
227-245, 1999.
Monitoring the university admissions process in Spain (with
A. Cuxart i Jardi).
Higher Education in Europe 23, 385-396, 1998.
A two-level regression model for comparing growth curves of
crossed correlated treatment measures (with M. M. Ojeda).
Biometrical Journal 40, 447-454, 1998.
Count data and treatment heterogeneity in 2x2 crossover
Applied Statistics 46, 217-229, 1998.
Shrinkage estimation of linear combinations of true scores.
Psychometrika 62, 237-244, 1997.
Model-based estimation in surveys with stratified clustered design.
The Australian Journal of Statistics 38, 333-352, 1996.
Small-area prediction using adjustment for covariates.
Questio 20, 187-212, 1996. Statistical Institute of
Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
Reconciling experts' differences in setting cut-scores for pass/fail
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 21,
203-213, 1996.
January 2025